
Characteristics of Beard VS No Beard style

Are you muddled about whether to grow a beard or clean shave style?

If the answer is yes, then you might need to read this article.

The decision whether or not to shave off your beard comes down to personal preference. Some men prefer to keep their facial hair because they enjoy the look. Others decide to get rid of it because they don’t want to deal with daily shaving.

Before deciding let me tell you more about these famous antonyms.

Far from being a fashion statement, the truth is that beards have been around since ancient times, and growing a beard or not has been related to numerous factors, including people’s cultures, and different beliefs between eastern and western countries, in addition to religious matters.

For instance, In Islamic countries growing a beard was an essential thing as it was a sign of good religiosity, unlike in western countries where the beard was considered as a sign of poor hygiene or an unconventional demeanor.

Over the years growing a beard becomes more popular in most countries and cultures, as people developed more beard styles, and every now and then we notice trending beard styles. Celebrities and influencers have a great impact on encouraging people to adopt a specific beard style.

On the other hand, women also have a strong impact when it comes to this subject, as some women prefer bearded men or partners because they associate beards with masculinity, attractiveness, and strength. Yet others see it as a turn-off point, as well as a sign of uncleanliness and less self-care.

To clear up this debate, the right beard style is unique to every man and depends on many factors, like the type of beard you have, as some people have scattered beards, and growing it would not be the perfect option. Additionally some people are not allowed to grow a beard because of their jobs such as people in hospitality fields. However, let’s list down major aspects of both styles

01. No beard or clean-shave

  • Helps to remove the dead skin
  • Can make men look younger than they are
  • Can save you grooming time, as well as beard care products
  • Compliment a formal appearance
  • Allows the skin to absorb the skin care products better

02. Grow Beard

  • Makes you look more attractive and mature
  • Keeps you warm in the cold times
  • Protects your skin from external damaging factors such as the UV rays
  • Reduces the facial skin allergies
  • Can be a natural moisturizer
  • It prevents you from getting acne

We can all agree on one thing whether you choose to grow your beard or shave it off, make sure to maintain a good grooming routine and keep in mind that the first impression people get about you is based on your looks.

In order to achieve that you can schedule your trusted barber’s appointments regularly.

To make your life easier, you can simply download IHLAQ and browse the most experienced professionals, and book your appointment comfortably.


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