
Men Grooming Mistakes

Many guys believe that a soap bar and water is enough when they think of grooming. Unfortunately, they are falling into the circle of grooming mistakes.

You must be questioning how I can be perfectly groomed.

What does it take to look after myself?

Well, let me take you through a short list of the most common grooming mistakes that men make.

  • Allowing your body hair to go so wild
  • Letting your nails or toe nails grow too long
  • Using sunscreen only while going on vacation
  • Lack of awareness of the products that suit your skin type

Don’t panic. Most men globally are committing at least one of the above mistakes.

Luckily, every problem has a solution. Here are some of the golden tips and solutions:

The first thing you have to consider is becoming a regular at your barbershop.

This is the best step you can start with, as it will allow you to get a barber who will know with time what you prefer and can suggest the best services for you.

The second most important thing is to control your body hair, either by waxing or trimming at your most trusted Spa. This will make you feel fresh all the time, because having too much body hair can make your body smells unpleasant.

Let’s bring up the subject of nails and the toe nails. This is a non-negotiable part of your grooming. Unlike women, long nails will not make you look nice; it will give a clear image of low self-care. So the best thing you can do is keep your nails trimmed and clean.

Are we really aware of the importance of using sunscreen?

It is one of the most common mistakes that is the principal cause of skin damage.

We should consider the use of sunscreen as an obligation towards our skin. In addition to keeping our skin hydrated, especially while facing a very hot summer season in Qatar

On the other hand, one of the major tips to looking the best you can is to know what products work the best for you based on your skin type. Normal, dry, oily or sensitive. As these indicators will be your guide for using the suitable product for you to demonstrate your skin in its best version.

Last but not least, here is an additional golden tip for you. Try the maximum you can to stick to healthy food and exercise, as they can improve your look more than you expect, not only from the outside, but it is going to play an important role in detoxifying your whole body.

Now, are you feeling guilty about any of the above grooming mistakes?

Don’t worry, we have the solution for you. We will help you to take care of yourself like never before.

Download the IHLAQ application and let us know what your next step is in your self-care.


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